Between 2 Pulpits

The Intersections of Disaster Assistance, Ending Hunger, and Self-Development of People

Katie Season 1 Episode 12

Disaster assistance, ending hunger, and self-development of people are all connect and often overlap. Today we take some time to explore and understand the intersectionality of these issues all supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering as we hear from Laurie Kraus.

The Rev. Dr. Laurie Ann Kraus serves in the national offices of the Presbyterian Church USA as Director of Humanitarian and Global Ecumenical Engagement. This work coordinates and supports holistic collaboration among the offices of disaster response, migration accompaniment, hunger and development, peacemaking, and advocacy for the self-development of people (SDOP). Laurie served for ten years as director of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Laurie is on the board and executive committee of ACT Alliance. She is a certified spiritual director and compassion fatigue/trauma-informed spiritual care provider. She is the author of two books, “Recovering from UnNatural Disaster” and “Tuning My Heart: the Melody of the Liturgical Year in Proclamation, Poetry and Praise.”

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